Trolley Trust

Trust every

Building trust and safety is key to driving growth in the internet economy. In a single platform, Trolley offers product & risk teams the tools they need to meet market demands and regulatory challenges while expanding their trusted pool of users.

The risk management trusted across industries by trust & safety teams

Building trust: a step-by-step process

As your platform grows, you need to engage and understand your sellers, contractors, artists, or anyone else who fuels your operations. Building trust and managing risks are ongoing processes and Trolley Trust simplifies those workflows, giving you the tools you need to continually ensure a safer platform.

Collect and verify government IDs

During onboarding, recipients scan valid government IDs and complete a live photo verification.

Verify business documents

Businesses can upload relevant documents to prove authenticity.

Verify phone numbers

We manage a one-time password (OTP) process to validate the recipient’s mobile number.


Trigger automatic account re-verifications when risks are flagged or at predefined time periods.

Track logins and account changes

Trolley captures and logs activity like login IP, geolocation, account change history, and more.

Detailed recipient profiles

Centralize details around the recipient and their risk status in a single location.

Know exactly who you are paying

When your business operates at scale, making payments to an unknown email or wallet puts your whole operation and the livelihood of your existing vendors at risk. Whether you work with individuals and/or businesses, Trolley allows you to verify identity and documents through a single workflow and use the same recipient profile for payouts, taxes, and risk management.

Individual verification (KYC)

Identity and document verification: Collect and validate ID documents against 11K official government ID templates from over 200 countries.
Live photo validation: Use the power of live image recognition to ensure the uploaded ID matches the actual person submitting it.
Proof of address and age validation: Manually verify details provided during onboarding with information extracted from the provided documents.

Business verification (KYB)

Business document verification: Collect and verify data from business documents such as certificates of incorporation, partnership agreements, tax registration, and many more.
Status and verification data: Access verified business names, registration numbers, addresses, and other data via our platform or API.
Set up customized workflows: Use the verification data from KYC and KYB using APIs to set up customized workflows.

Built-in phone number verification

Most recipients, artists, gig workers, sellers, or any suppliers operate “mobile first.” Verifying their phone number ensures you are communicating with the right person and have their correct contact details on file for compliance.

Automate phone number verification using Trolley Trust. We send a One-time Password (OTP) to the registered number and ask the recipient to enter it in the dashboard.

Reduce risk with customized workflows

Trolley is designed for modern, tech-first businesses. Our product is fully functional via a web-based GUI, but being built on a world-class API, our tools give you the complete flexibility to build, integrate, develop, operationalize, and adopt into your payouts and risk management stack with minimal effort.

Modular widget

Craft a seamless onboarding experience and collect recipient information as you go: Trolley’s modular widget allows you to set up your own white-labeled dashboard for your recipients with little to no code required.

Verification API

Improve platform safety and build trust at every step with customized workflows. Likewise, leverage the verification data to build your own proprietary models.

Improve account safety

Account takeovers, where a bad actor is trying to capitalize on the hard work of a legitimate recipient, are a problem in today’s virtual economy. Trolley helps you eliminate this type of fraud by:

Recipient profiles to lower risk on each payout

Verifying identity and maintaining audit logs ultimately helps in establishing trust between your platform, your recipients, and your users. Live with peace of mind knowing your platform is fighting fraud on auto-pilot.

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Trust FAQ’s

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